Year: 2015

Advanced Dermatology, PC › Blog › 2015
Facelift, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction? You might as well file those away with your bell bottoms and platform shoes! Invasive treatments are becoming a thing of the past. People are now opting for non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments that provide effective results without having the discomfort and long downtime that can come from a more invasive […]
With the Miss Universe pageant right around the corner, you’d probably expect to see a TON of glitz and glam, but the opposite seems to be happening. Style Caster recently published an article about the different approach the Miss Universe organization is taking this year. Have you seen the hashtag #ConfidentlyBeautiful on social media outlets? […]
Did you know that Advanced Dermatology’s very own Dr. Valerie Goldburt was featured in a YouTube campaign for Dial® last year?
The world of skin care and beauty knows no limits. There seems to always be something new on the market claiming to give you better skin. Still, there are many ingredients found in products that will surprise you. Have you ever considered using snake venom or maybe even your own blood as a treatment for your […]
Dermal fillers, for the lips especially, have been around for quite some time, however in recent years celebrities like Kylie Jenner have really put lip injections on the map. The obsession for plumper lips has taken over in a big way. Not only are lip fillers on the rise, but products like derma rollers and […]
You see them on TV, in the movies and magazines, and now at your local pharmacy or cosmetic store? There seems to be an increasing trend of celebrities delving into the realm of skin care. We’ve compiled a short list of celebrities who have skin care lines already on the market, and one who is […]
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. With over 20 million people in the United States, both adults and children, suffering from diabetes we felt it was extremely important to discuss some of the skin care issues associated with diabetes.
The best way to keep your veins healthy and strong is by eating well. A healthy diet will keep your weight down, reducing pressure and strain on the veins that can cause venous conditions to occur. As you’re planning out your meals each week, know that there are certain nutrients that can be very helpful to […]
Typically when a person talks about skin care, cosmetic procedures, or anything related to beauty – they almost always gear it towards women. Why is that? Don’t men have to look good too? Well, here at Advanced Dermatology P.C. we feel a little guilty about neglecting the male gender. Skin care is for everyone, and […]
Having varicose veins on your legs can make simple tasks like, walking, sitting and even exercising extremely difficult. However, whether you’re trying to prevent varicose veins from forming or are attempting to manage those that have already developed, staying active and following a regular workout plan is key! To help make exercising with varicose veins […]
For any of our readers that might have missed any of Dr. Whitney Bowe’s segments from Good Morning America, we are here to help! We’ve not only provided clips of her appearances, but places on our website where you can get more information.

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