Tag: Cellulite

Congratulations you did it! You set a weight goal, you worked your butt off and you lost the weight. For most people the weight loss journey ends there. But, for those losing an excessive amount of weight the journey continues long after the pounds are shed.
Ever heard of the Dermaroller, Dermapen or Dermastamp, if you have then you know typically they all do the same thing, whether motorized or manual these tools perform a treatment known as Microneedling. Advanced Dermatology P.C. has recently added the motorized microneedling tool Collagen P.I.N. to our list of treatments.
So you’ve dieted and exercised but still have some stubborn fat that just seems impossible to lose no matter how hard you’ve tried. Stubborn fat makes you feel uncomfortable slipping into your bathing suit and less confident in your appearance. No Worries! There is still plenty of time before the heat waves start rolling in […]
Leading Dermatologists Drs. Joshua Fox and Aza Lefkowitz Provide Tips for Patients Cellulite is not harmful. The dimpled, puckered skin that characterizes cellulite is a normal variant in the way fat beneath the skin is distributed. But the appearance of cellulite, which is most often found on the thighs and buttocks of as many as […]
First of all, there is very little scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of anti-cellulite creams. If they are effective at all, however, they do not remove cellulite permanently and need to be reapplied indefinitely to keep the results. In order for a topical cellulite treatment to be effective it must penetrate through multiple skin layers […]

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