
Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Page 21

Accutane is a very strong acne treatment that helps many people eliminate acne. Because it is such a powerful medication and certain precautions must be taken to ensure safety, sometimes [...]

Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are all potential skin hazards when you’re spending time outdoors this summer. According to researchers these plants have become stronger and larger in [...]

Varicose veins, the condition that causes blood to stop from moving upwards, is painful more often than not. Therefore, high-impact workouts can be tricky if you struggle with this disease. [...]

It’s normal for varicose veins to cause you extreme discomfort and frustration, but luckily there are a number of things you can do to alleviate some of the pain. One [...]

The days when skin care was just for women are long gone. But even though men shave daily – and commit common mistakes that can contribute to an unhealthy appearance [...]

Dermatology specialist Dr. Joshua Fox offers tips on eating the best foods for healthy skin Summer wardrobes featuring bathing suits, tank tops and shorts also feature a lot of skin. [...]

Advanced Surgical Center of Bergen County, P.C. earns AAAASF accreditation for patient safety Completed thorough review process RIDGEWOOD, NJ — Advanced Surgical Center of Bergen County, P.C. has demonstrated its [...]

ThermiTight is an application of the ThermiAesthetics system that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to safely rejuvenate the skin. It is also the most effective non-surgical skin-tightening treatment I’ve seen.


So you’ve dieted and exercised but still have some stubborn fat that just seems impossible to lose no matter how hard you’ve tried. Stubborn fat makes you feel uncomfortable slipping [...]

Our lifestyle can either boost our health or work against it. This is especially true when it comes to varicose veins, which can appear as a result of what we [...]

Shaving your legs can be a hassle, especially when you emerge from the shower to find a missed spot or that ever-annoying patch of razor burn. Here are five things [...]

Why do stretch marks form? Well… from stretching right? Probably, but the precise cause of stretch marks, also known as striae, is not quite understood as there are clearly some [...]

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