Non Invasive Fat Removal Manhattan, NYC
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Non-Surgical Fat Removal in Manhattan, NYC

All that hard work dieting and exercising has finally paid off – on the scale, that is. Even after successfully losing weight, you may be left with stubborn sections of fat that leave you looking as though you still need to lose a few pounds. Years ago, these extra sections of fat could only be removed through cosmetic surgery, which was costly, resulted in scarring, and required extensive post-operative recovery. Technological advancements have paved the way for non-surgical fat removal techniques that remove excess fat without surgery or scarring, minimal to no downtime, and are significantly cheaper than traditional cosmetic surgery.
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Liposonix is a popular non-surgical fat removal technique, using high-intensity ultrasound technology to remove excess fat from the body. One hour-long treatment can reduce the waistline by as much as an inch, translation to a reduction of one pant size. Since Liposonix is minimally-invasive, patients can return to regular activities immediately after treatment.
Advanced Dermatology PC, with offices in Manhattan, New York City and elsewhere in the NY/NJ area, are among the first to offer Liposonix. Our board-certified dermatologists have undergone extensive training in Liposonix and have performed many treatments. Our patients have been highly satisfied with the results of this non-invasive treatment. We offer other non-invasive fat removal techniques as well, so patients looking to get rid of excess fat will need to consult with one of our Manhattan dermatologists to determine which technique is best for their specific case.


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During your consultation, you will be examined, your medical history will be reviewed, and the Liposonix treatment will be explained in great detail. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about Liposonix. If your excess fat can be treated with Liposonix, your treatment session will be scheduled.

Liposonix is performed in the comfort of our Upper West Side, New York City office. You will be awake throughout treatment. With a surgical pen, your dermatologist will mark the treatment areas and the device will then be moved across those areas. If you are experiencing any discomfort during Liposonix, let your dermatologist know, as they may be able to reduce the ultrasound’s intensity. Liposonix treatments typically last about an hour.

You will be able to return to work and other regular activities immediately following Liposonix. Some patients temporary swelling, redness or bruising in the treatment area, although this goes away quickly. Over the next 3 months, your body eliminates the fat tissue destroyed by Liposonix, leaving you with a slimmer waistline.

If you are considering Liposonix in Manhattan, contact us today at 1-855-793-2868 to schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you.

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