Author: aaronk

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Does your skin have a little extra shine? Having oily or acne-prone skin can be a trial, especially when it seems like every little thing breaks you out and causes another round of acne. Fortunately, you can do a few things to minimize breakouts and get the healthiest skin possible! To control oily skin, it’s […]
Has your screen time increased as work-from-home becomes more common? As the world of work transitions to more remote venues, you may notice that your hands and wrists are more sore than usual. If so, stay tuned – you may benefit from learning about carpal tunnel syndrome What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel is […]
Stretch marks are a common complaint among our patients, and we get a lot of questions about how to treat them. They can be a source of self-consciousness for many, and since they’re often difficult to get rid of and at-home remedies are only mildly helpful at best, what can you do about them? What […]
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain in the U.S and one of the most frustrating. If you’ve ever experienced it, you’re not likely to forget – the stabbing pain in the heel of your foot can severely disrupt your life, leaving you without as much mobility as you had […]
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world, and while receiving a cancer diagnosis can be scary, there are a variety of treatments available to you to help get you on the mend. One of our most reliable treatments is called Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Mohs’ has the highest cure rate, leaves a very […]
Are you interested in having some cosmetic procedures done but looking for a non-surgical option? In this week’s blog post, we want to tell you about one of our favorite non-surgical procedures called Ultherapy. What is Ultherapy? Ultherapy is a non-invasive skin tightening procedure that can counteract signs of aging like sagging and wrinkles in […]
Winter is here! The weather is cold and we’re cranking up the central heating and making hot drinks to keep warm! While winter can be cozy, it creates a dry environment which contributes to loss of moisture in the skin. For the young ones, their skin has a better capability of retaining moisture and can […]
The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting colder, and chances are the consequences for your skin are more than just shivers and goosebumps. More and more of us are experiencing the dreaded chapped lips, tight skin, and cracked bleeding knuckles. Winter might bring some happy holidays, but it brings some bitter cold […]
At some point, we all face the realities of aging. Whether we like it or not, eventually we all start to see a sprinkle of grey hair or some lines around the eyes, mouth, or forehead. Here at Advanced Dermatology, we offer plenty of treatments that can help you age with grace and beauty! Although […]
Spider veins are a nuisance to the eye and can sometimes indicate underlying medical problems. These web-like blemishes on your skin may have started as just some tiny spidery lines, but over time they can grow and become more unsightly. They may even indicate that you are having circulatory problems. Why Do Spider Veins Form?  […]
Wondering how you can make your acne-fighting regime just a little more effective? While topical treatments focus on the outside of your skin, you might want to turn your attention to fighting acne from the inside too.  When looking for an acne diet, you want to focus on a low in sugar diet with lots […]
Atopic Dermatitis is a kind of eczema that affects more than 9.6 million children in the US and nearly 17 million adults. It’s characterized by dry, scaly red patches of skin on the face, legs, or arms. These areas are very itchy; little ones and adults alike will struggle with sleep and painful scratching. If […]

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