Month: July 2015

Advanced Dermatology, PC › Blog › 2015 › 07
If you suffer from a double chin, you’re not alone! According to a survey conducted by the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, 68% of consumers are bothered by their double chin, which can ruin a good selfie! Luckily Advanced Dermatology now offers a new aesthetic treatment to reduce your double chin (what doctors call “submental […]
A transdermal patch for treating ADHD called Daytrana has led to a new FDA warning for permanent loss of skin color. In the reported cases, the loss of skin color usually occurred only in the area where the patch was located but sometimes spread further. If your child is using this medicated product and you […]
Summer can be rough on skin, says Joshua Fox, MD, medical director of Advanced Dermatology P.C. Beyond the dangers associated with sunburn, a recent report in JAMA Dermatology found bikini waxes and shaving can increase the risk of contracting a contagious and unsightly skin rash known as molluscum contagiosum. In warm months, 61 percent of […]

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