Tag: Acne

Struggling with both eczema and acne can make skincare feel like a huge hurdle. Both are inflammatory skin conditions that can cause unsightly marks, so it’s also possible to confuse one for the other. However, eczema and acne have different causes and therefore different treatments. Luckily there are some overlaps in the kinds of treatments […]
Dry skin and acne can be difficult to tackle together. This is because a lot of acne treatments are designed with oily skin types in mind. But acne does affect those with dry skin as well. Since so many treatments are designed for oily skin, they can make dry skin become even drier. This means […]
Nothing is worse than trying to deal with persistent inflammatory acne. It can affect your mood, self-esteem, and mental health and even cause some people to withdraw. All acne stems from some level of inflammation in the body, so learning how to adjust your lifestyle can have a significant impact on having clear and evenly […]
Wondering how you can make your acne-fighting regime just a little more effective? While topical treatments focus on the outside of your skin, you might want to turn your attention to fighting acne from the inside too.  When looking for an acne diet, you want to focus on a low in sugar diet with lots […]
Even with vaccines making their way to the general public, people are still wearing masks and intend to continue wearing them for the immediate future. Even as restrictions on businesses and restaurants begin to ease, the mask mandates will continue until the COVID-19 pandemic is fully behind us. Wearing a mask for long durations of […]
Wearing a mask or personal protective equipment (PPE) is challenging enough; some are finding that the side effect of keeping it on all day can contribute to the condition known as “maskne” or mask acne. The combination of moisture buildup under your mask may cause bacteria to grow and spread across your face. But this […]
Over-the-Counter Treatments for Acne By Melissa Sanoff-Wiener, RPA-C Even before humans could write, they were trying to get rid of their acne, and ancient Egyptians’ first notes on papyrus referenced pharaohs with problem skin. In the U.S., acne is the most common skin condition there is. Fortunately, we’ve come a long way since ancient times: […]
5 skin care myths and why they are false In today’s climate of internet misinformation, it can be increasingly difficult to navigate between fact and fiction. When it comes to our health care, the consequences of relying on wrong information can be both far-reaching and potentially damaging to our bodies. Or it may simply be […]
Facelift, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction? You might as well file those away with your bell bottoms and platform shoes! Invasive treatments are becoming a thing of the past. People are now opting for non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments that provide effective results without having the discomfort and long downtime that can come from a more invasive […]
With the Miss Universe pageant right around the corner, you’d probably expect to see a TON of glitz and glam, but the opposite seems to be happening. Style Caster recently published an article about the different approach the Miss Universe organization is taking this year. Have you seen the hashtag #ConfidentlyBeautiful on social media outlets? […]
Typically when a person talks about skin care, cosmetic procedures, or anything related to beauty – they almost always gear it towards women. Why is that? Don’t men have to look good too? Well, here at Advanced Dermatology P.C. we feel a little guilty about neglecting the male gender. Skin care is for everyone, and […]
What is the biggest dilemma in the month of October? Choosing what to be for Halloween…of course! We at Advanced Dermatology have compiled a list of tips and tricks to guarantee that both you and your skin have a Happy Halloween.

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