Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Enhance your natural shape, without surgery.

Advanced Dermatology, PC Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Stubborn fat is one on the most common concerns of those seeking body enhancements. With today’s advanced technology, you can reduce unwanted fat with no downtime and little to no discomfort. Our fat reduction experts can help you improve your appearance and confidence.

Cellfina for Cellulite

Cellfina is a minimally-invasive treatment that can reduce the appearance of cellulite by actually cutting the connective bands that hold the dimples of fat in place.


CoolSculpting gets rid of fat cells under the skin by a targeted cooling process called cryolipolysis.

Non-Invasive Fat Reduction

Learn about the most advanced treatments to get rid of love handles, excess thigh fat, and under-the-chin fat.

Vanquish Fat Removal

The safe and effective fat removal process causes your body to process and evacuate fat cells to give you a firmer and more desirable figure.

Non-Surgical Buttock Enhancement

Non-surgical buttock enhancement procedures, also referred to as non-surgical butt lifts, are treatments that help contour one or both glutes without the need for surgery.

Zerona Fat Removal

Zerona is a new advanced laser system that gives you the chance to remove your unwanted fat and decrease your body fat without surgery.

Z-Wave Skin Remodeling

Z-Wave Pro, a novel treatment for loose skin, cellulite and stubborn fat, can be combined with other technologies, or used alone to improve skin structure.


VivaFace&Body uses advanced non-focused ultrasound technology, along with their patented electric field, to tighten and contour the body.

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