Which Serum Is Best For Sensitive Skin?

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Which Serum Is Best For Sensitive Skin?

Facial serums, oils, and masks can be some of the best preventative measures for premature skin aging. However, knowing the best serum for sensitive skin can take a little bit more research as well as some trial and error before you lock in your ideal skincare routine and products.

There are a number of different ways we can go about protecting sensitive skin, and while many involve products and treatments, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make to ensure your skin gets the care it needs.

Know Your Skin Type

The first step to ensuring the best care with a serum for sensitive skin is to find out which skin type you were born with.

There are 5 main skin types which are:
● Normal
● Dry
● Oily
● Combination (both dry and oily)
● Sensitive

Those with sensitive skin will find that a lot of products, possibly even the very best serum for sensitive skin, will cause a reaction. Sensitive skin reactions can include redness, flaking, dryness, breakouts, and bumps.

It’s always best practice to do a small sample test on your hand or arm and wait 24 hours before applying the product directly to your face. This practice is especially important for those with sensitive skin.

Vitamin C for Sensitive Skin

While we know that Vitamin C has amazing rejuvenating benefits for all skin types, even the best Vitamin C serum for sensitive skin could cause a reaction. Vitamin C serum is a powerful antioxidant and can cause those who are sensitive to develop redness, peeling, dryness, or other forms of irritation.

This is because everybody’s skin is different and will react differently to products. So the best Vitamin C serum for sensitive skin that works for you might be very different from what your friends are able to use.

Lifestyle Factors

Getting good sleep, proper nutrition, plenty of water, and keeping up with exercise are going to go a long way to preventing premature aging. But it’s also important to cut back on certain less healthy habits like smoking, alcohol, and greasy or sugary foods.

Sun Care for Sensitive Skin

One of the best serums for sensitive skin really is anything that provides sun protection. Sun protection is the silver bullet in your arsenal for fighting signs of premature aging, especially for those with sensitive skin, which can be more prone to burning.

If you’re looking for more information on the best ways to care for sensitive skin, or if you’re looking to find out more about what you can do to minimize signs of premature aging, we at Advanced Dermatology are happy to help.

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