What Are The Types Of Skin Diseases?

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog What Are The Types Of Skin Diseases?

Skin issues can arise out of nowhere, leaving you wondering what exactly is happening. Other issues, like inflammatory skin conditions, can be chronic, and while less of a surprise, they’re just as unpleasant.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and our protective barrier to hold in fluid and keep out viruses and bacteria. Our skin synthesizes vitamin D and allows us to feel touch and temperature. Moreover, our skin is a big part of how the outside world sees us, so when issues arise, they can take a toll on your mental as well as your overall health.

What are the Most Common Types of Skin Diseases?

Skin diseases affect most people. Some issues are minor, while others are more severe.

  • Acne is an issue that affects most people at different phases in their lives and is caused by oil and bacteria build-up in the skin’s pores.
  • Alopecia is a condition where hair is lost in patches.
  • Eczema is a condition in which dry, itchy skin turns into scaliness, swelling, or cracking skin.
  • Psoriasis results in swelling and scaly skin patches that feel hot.
  • Rosacea is characterized by flushed, thickening skin and sometimes raised bumps on the skin of the face.
  • Skin cancer is the result of abnormal skin cells.

Each of these conditions is treatable to differing degrees. Several are actually inflammatory skin conditions, and with some lifestyle and dermatological interventions, they can be overcome.

What are Rare Skin Conditions?

Many rare skin conditions are actually genetic. These are very uncommon but are typically quite treatable.

  • Actinic Prurigo (AP) is a response to sun exposure that causes an itchy rash.
  • Argyria is caused by silver buildup in the body resulting in a change in skin color – often to blue.
  • Epidermolysis bullosa is a disorder in the skin’s connective tissue that causes tears and blistering.
  • Harlequin ichthyosis causes hard, thick patches on the skin and is present at birth.
  • Necrobiosis lipoidica is when rashes on the lower legs develop into sores.

What Causes Skin Diseases?

Skin diseases can be caused by a multitude of lifestyle issues. Sometimes an issue as minor as raised bumps on the skin can be your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right.
Common causes include:

  • Trapped bacteria
  • Immune system issues
  • Viruses
  • Diabetes
  • Fungus
  • Certain medications
  • Genetics
  • Sunlight (UV rays)
  • Environmental triggers
  • Hormones or pregnancy

How Do I Prevent a Skin Disease?

Unfortunately, not all skin diseases are preventable. Those caused by genetic factors or an autoimmune disorder are much more difficult to address. However, there are some skin diseases caused by contagions or infections which can be avoided by following these rules:

  • Never share skincare or cosmetics
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Drink plenty of water and follow a healthy diet
  • Avoid contact with irritants
  • Regularly disinfect and wash dirty materials like gym equipment and work clothing
  • Get good sleep
  • Practice sun protection

If you’re having issues with skin diseases, it helps to speak with an experienced dermatologist. At Advanced Dermatology, PC, we see all kinds of skin issues and have the know-how to help. Reach out anytime for a virtual or in-person appointment.

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