Dealing with Warts: Frogs have nothing to do with it

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Dealing with Warts: Frogs have nothing to do with it

You’ve most likely heard the deep-rooted legend that handling a frog or toad can give you warts. If that sounds ridiculous to you – you are correct. No amount of touching of any amphibians — or any reptiles or creatures of land and water, so far as that is concerned — will cause a human to have warts. This fairy tale is thought to have begun on the grounds that numerous toads and frogs have uneven, knotty skin and were infectious to humans. All things considered, warts are brought about by a viral infection called human papillomavirus, as indicated by the Mayo Clinic.

Warts are created when the infection enters an individual’s skin through a cut or scratch, or another opening in the skin, causing rough bumps to develop. Anyone can get warts, but they are more common with children because they are more inclined to get cuts or scratches and their immune systems aren’t fully developed.

Types of Warts
Warts are simply areas of skin that grow faster than normal due to the presence of the wart virus. Warts are skin-colored and feel rough to the touch. The technical name is verruca vulgaris. They are most common on the hands, feet, and face but they can grow almost anywhere in the body.

Flat warts are much smaller and are less rough than hand or foot warts. They tend to grow in great numbers, 20 to 100 at any one time. They can occur anywhere, but in children, they are most common on the face. In adults, they are most often found in the beard area in men and on the legs in women. Skin irritation from shaving probably accounts for this.

Plantar warts are the name of warts growing on the weight-bearing surface of the foot that grows inward rather than outwards because it is pressed on when a person walks.

As warts are caused by a viral infection, the body will build up resistance over a period of time, and eventually, the body will cause warts to disappear. This may take months or sometimes years but is the natural way the body deals with warts. If they are allowed to disappear in this way it is less likely that a person will get any further ones as one will then be immune to that virus.

The first treatment to try on wart is removal with a salicylic acid liquid or pad. Be patient as it takes up to 12 weeks to get rid of warts.

Most often dermatologists can use cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen to remove warts more quickly. Cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen involves the use of a cryospray, cryoprobe, or cotton-tipped applicator. The nitrogen is applied to the skin lesion for a few seconds or longer, depending on the type of lesion and the diameter, and the depth of freeze. Frequent applications of liquid nitrogen are needed to cure more stubborn warts. Burning warts off with a CO2 laser or electric needle is also very effective. Check with one of our dermatologists if your warts are causing you problems.

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