6 Habits of People With Great Skin

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog 6 Habits of People With Great Skin

We all want to have great skin, but it’s not always easy. Some of us face blemishes, others have dry skin, scars, sensitivities to scents, or harsh ingredients that make it hard to pick out a product. Fortunately, there are six habits that most people with glowing skin have in common, and you can make them work for you no matter what your skin type is.

Getting great skin starts with a great night of sleep.

Did you know that sleep can improve your skin? It turns out, studies have shown those who get more zzz’s are healthier and better-looking. One night without enough rest is all it takes for a person’s complexion to look dryer, greyer, with more pronounced wrinkles.

No matter how much you pay for a moisturizer, if you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s just going to sit on top of your face.

Having a DIY spa night keeps your skin glowing.

The best way to keep your skin looking fresh is not to neglect it. Grab a night off when you can, add in a sheet mask for your skin type, a glass of wine, and an episode of your favorite Netflix drama, and take the night off.

Stress can be a big factor when it comes to breakouts and premature aging. If you’re looking to improve your skin, invest some time pampering yourself – you won’t regret it.

Working out leaves you looking fresh.

Did you know? Working out doesn’t just give you a great body – it improves your skin as well. So strap on those running shoes, or get out the yoga mat, because when you exercise, your body carries vital nutrients to active cells, including those in your skin, giving you a bright, healthy look.

The three S’s: Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: if you want beautiful skin, then use a strong, broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. Sun damage is one of the leading causes of early aging and skin cancer, so even if it’s sunny, don’t skip it. Instead, keep an easy-to-use sunblock spray by your door so you don’t forget.

Your skin is what you eat.

The food you eat can have a super dramatic effect on how your skin looks. Our bodies produce collagen and keratin which help protect our cells. When we are deficient in either or both nutrients, wrinkles become more prominent as they form over time.

Keep yourself hydrated and keep your skin smooth.

Have you ever woken up, looked at yourself in the mirror, and thought – wait, when did I get that old? Then, a few hours later, after breakfast and a glass of water, you seem a little bit more like your old self? That’s usually because you’ve gotten in a little hydration. Thirsty skin is wrinkled skin, and getting the right amount of water every day can do wonders for your complexion.

Practically, it can be hard to get the amount of water you need, so consider buying a cute water bottle and keeping it with you all the time. If you don’t like the taste of water, then consider carrying some packets of water enhancers (like True Lemonade or Crystal Light) so that you can get the hydration you need.

People with glowing skin know that good skincare starts from the inside out! Which of these steps will you start with? Which ones do you already do? If you’d like some advice on how to improve your skin, get in contact for your consultation today!

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